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Tesa (picking 685) TESA picked/gutted - light touch required (Thanks to

Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Взлом отмычками
Цилиндровый механизм. Производитель: Tesa. Артикул:
Описание: (picking 685) TESA picked/gutted - light touch required (Thanks to
618 просмотров
Время взлома: 2 мин

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@TallanPick @TallanPick 20.06.2019
Great picking on that te5, I love these locks, probably this is one of the haul I sent to UKLS forum.<br>Cool video, thanks for showing my friend ;o)))
         @Potti314 @Potti314 20.06.2019->Thanks Carlos. It's a fun lock and indeed origins from ukls as I was told by pick beard.
@LockNoob @LockNoob 18.06.2019
That looks like a TE5. Tough picks and you picked it with ease :-) great work. I agree with heavy tension to start with on these :-)
         @Potti314 @Potti314 18.06.2019->Thanks buddy. It's for sure a great lock.
@SasPes @SasPes 12.06.2019
Cool lock, well done ? Bravo ?
         @Potti314 @Potti314 13.06.2019->Thanks buddy :-)
@NothingPicksLocks @NothingPicksLocks 12.06.2019
Great job ? fun video as always from you, thanks for sharing!
         @Potti314 @Potti314 13.06.2019->Cheers and thanks for stopping by.
@cherokee8647 @cherokee8647 12.06.2019
Nice job Potti on the Tesa ?????
         @Potti314 @Potti314 13.06.2019->Thank you.
@EnzoGuardino @EnzoGuardino 12.06.2019
Nice lock! Tensioning, as you rightly said, is very important when picking. I really enjoy the clarity of your videos and your explanation of the feedback the lock gives! ?
         @Potti314 @Potti314 13.06.2019->Thank you for the kind feedback - very motivating :-)
@Swynndla @Swynndla 12.06.2019
Thank you so much for your excellent explanations on what you&#39;re doing and about the lock ... it leads me to more questions! :D ... The tapered keypins means they need multiple picking (unless you use a tapping technique eg the &quot;Ucof nudge&quot; that Lock Noob was talking about in his 982 ? ... and I&#39;ve also seen him &quot;wiggle&quot; his tensioner?) ... but why would strong tension make the lock difficult to pick? - would the pins get stuck on the tapered bit maybe? Also, the gap between pins 3 &amp; 4 ... why do you suppose it would it be like that in Tesa locks? Are they trying to stop comb attacks? (where a standard comb would have the fingers the same distance apart). Thanks once again for an excellent video! :D
         @Potti314 @Potti314 13.06.2019->It's the tapering of the driver pins that require picking multiple times. A tapering of the keypins would cause an easy overset and you have to release tension a bit to get the stack free again (or wiggle the tensioner). Heavy tension usually makes it easier to pick a lock with tapered pins but for this particular lock there is the higher chance of oversetting because of the bitting. Heavy tension amplifies the feedback and clears the sheerline more likely of the current stack. But it's also more uncontrolled and can cause adjacent stack to suffer from uncontrolled pick movement.
The gap between #3 and #4 you find in all TEAS locks. It's still a bit unclear why. Maybe it comes from this type of lock https://youtu.be/ZgaCnUfkmjY?t=512 and was generalized.
@gantry289 @gantry289 12.06.2019
Well picked, a nice little lock. I know it&#39;s hard to control our tension when you have big muscles like you do...
         @Potti314 @Potti314 13.06.2019->Haha, not too big these muscles ;-) However I like heavy tension and love fat clicks :-)
@pickbeard2690 @pickbeard2690 12.06.2019
Nice work on that one.<br>I noticed it was one of the batch I made (Ukls stamped on the side).<br>Great explanation of the pins and how to pick them.<br>So far I have made around 50 of these with an end game when they are all finished (20 more to go).<br>Thanks for sharing ????
         @Potti314 @Potti314 13.06.2019->What? A total of 70 locks - that's a ridiculous amount of works. Thank you very much for making them, my lock it great :-)
@bird718 @bird718 12.06.2019
i have a lock like that, picked it easy first time was surprised, tried it again after a week, it was impossible for a month then one day, it just opens when i touch the pins a few times.
         @Potti314 @Potti314 13.06.2019->Yes, tension is very important and it differs naturally depending on your mood and other subconscious factors.
@pinningjoint3661 @pinningjoint3661 12.06.2019
Nice picking. I really like the security key pins!
         @Potti314 @Potti314 13.06.2019->Yes, these serrated keypins can nicely hide an overset state ;-)
@lockmania-locks @lockmania-locks 12.06.2019
Very cool lock and awsome job picking and gutting My Friend
         @Potti314 @Potti314 13.06.2019->Thanks man :-)
@Derfboy @Derfboy 12.06.2019
Fantastic pick! Dankeschön, mein Freund! :)
         @Potti314 @Potti314 13.06.2019->Gerne - danke fur's rein-zappen ;-)
@Gazz_R @Gazz_R 12.06.2019
Fantastic picking as always Potti. Tapered pins can be a nightmare for a picker. Take care mate and have a great week.
         @OldBenOne @OldBenOne 12.06.2019->Damn near everything he picks would be a nightmare for me.
         @Gazz_R @Gazz_R 12.06.2019->@@OldBenOneYep, he opens some very tricky locks, very easily.
         @Potti314 @Potti314 13.06.2019->Thanks a lot. It's really a good combination in this lock with tight tolerances and tapered pins. But with enough practice and studying of the lock it may looked easy.

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