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[1108] Opened With A BUTTER KNIFE: Master Lock Electronic Lockbox (Model P008EML) ()

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Описание: [1108] Opened With A BUTTER KNIFE: Master Lock Electronic Lockbox (Model P008EML) ()
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@DietrichMandigo @DietrichMandigo 31.12.2024
Thank you so much for this video!
@robotic_automaton @robotic_automaton 14.02.2024
ah, good old Mastersock. the best sock of all your security needs
@phoenix_beatz3961 @phoenix_beatz3961 02.01.2024
Next try to open a SentrySafe DS-1 Portable Security Safe no reason, their just very easy ive heard
@elliottsimmons9024 @elliottsimmons9024 30.11.2023
P008EML<br><br>ML = Master Lock?
@Sierra-Whisky @Sierra-Whisky 15.11.2023
LPL: &quot;Today I&#39;ll show you 3 indestructive ways to open this box. Let&#39;s get started in 3... 2... 1...<br><br>Ok, that&#39;s it for today. Thank you for watching and I hope to see you again next time.&quot;
@Beemernow @Beemernow 13.10.2023
Bottom line, if someone wants your stuff...
@cherylthompkins6501 @cherylthompkins6501 27.09.2023
I’m mad as heck…I’m about to exchange mines for a “durable” safe
@PaulSinnema @PaulSinnema 06.09.2023
How can such a product even get to the stage that is produced and sold. Unbelievable.
@Iagree320 @Iagree320 12.05.2023
How to step up
@fraproxy @fraproxy 31.12.2022
SO, which type of home locbox would you recommend though?
@gtheghost297 @gtheghost297 27.10.2022
Thanks soo much bro I owe you one
@SebastianGrimthwayte @SebastianGrimthwayte 22.04.2022
This reminds me of when we were children, and my little sister, just old enough to use the toilet on her own, would semi-regularly lock herself in the powder room by pressing the button at the center of the door knob. I must have been about 8 or 9, but all of us over the age of 6 knew the solution was to grab a butter knife, insert it in the key way, and turn.
@luzlaboy3152 @luzlaboy3152 06.04.2022
Battery falls inside, how do o opened??? Please help
@D0ntTaseM3Br0 @D0ntTaseM3Br0 23.02.2022
My Dad litterally just open it up with a FORK and he didn&#39;t even have to put that much strength into it. WOW just... WOW.
@laffi @laffi 20.02.2022
The bumping and opening it like that is incredible, and terrible at the same time, cause it&#39;s fun to watch, but not very safe.
@flashfrick @flashfrick 14.12.2021
I lost my key and passcode so this video helped a lot
@theisopod-k6y @theisopod-k6y 28.10.2021
&quot;Opened with a butter knife&quot;<br>Proceeds to slam it into a table and open it
@saisubhash1 @saisubhash1 26.10.2021
Looks like a kids prop.
@dismer5447 @dismer5447 26.10.2021
your vides are great.
@MyAltdraco @MyAltdraco 20.09.2021
I think duct tape would be a better deterrent than this!

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