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[1101] Ingersoll’s Clever 6 Lever Padlock Picked and Disassembled ([687] U.S. Military “Miracle...

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Описание: [1101] Ingersoll’s Clever 6 Lever Padlock Picked and Disassembled ([687] U.S. Military “Miracle Lock” with Ingersoll 10-Lever Core Picked and Gutted https://youtu.be/FCY5iXqPOUc [938] Ingersoll 6 Lever Padlock Picked https://youtu.be/SEpWpD0NlPE)
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@on_squid @on_squid 12.01.2022
@Cpt_Can0pen3r @Cpt_Can0pen3r 21.12.2021
I'd love to see more on these, this is the first time I've seen a lever lock that picks similarly to a wafer lock. Very interesting mechanism ?
@denokrazy8587 @denokrazy8587 25.09.2020
I love watching the really well made locks maybe you should put it in the title if the lock is actually good
@Zothaqqua @Zothaqqua 07.08.2020
A neotenous lock!
@scottcampbell2836 @scottcampbell2836 20.06.2020
LPL i want to make a holder for an ar15 to secure it in my home or car. Looking for a padlock to use. As always seeking a cost effective solution so the lazy thief will. Be foiled and move on to easier targets. Thoughts? Or even a suggestion of a lock? Thanks i enjoy your videos. Very shocking and informative. Gun lock laws lol a joke because gun lock makers always use lame locking devices. Manufacturing costs vs profit everytime lol
@VikashKumar-qv9kn @VikashKumar-qv9kn 19.06.2020
Is every lock in this world is pickable ?
@Ucofatoffski @Ucofatoffski 11.06.2020
Eh? &quot;top of the keyway&quot;?<br>On a dual bitted lever lock? <br>You sure about that one LPL? :)
@therealcthulhu9813 @therealcthulhu9813 09.06.2020
it took him about 50 seconds to pick so you know it&#39;s a damn secure lock.
@ettariga @ettariga 06.06.2020
Ok good Sir. <br>Your video was a random selection given to me by YouTube. I&#39;m hooked. <br>Thank you YouTube and thank you Lockpick Lawyer. Good videos.
@magistertempli9182 @magistertempli9182 30.05.2020
A microwave transformer will chat with it. No problem!
@rafaelmantucci9303 @rafaelmantucci9303 29.05.2020
Can you make a video about how people that want to start trying to lock pick can practice, and other key concepts for lock picking?
@ToshibaAirConditioning-RAS @ToshibaAirConditioning-RAS 28.05.2020
&quot;with some difficulty&quot; <br><br>so he used a sugar free red bull can
@JG-ib7xk @JG-ib7xk 27.05.2020
Dildo one open next please. Thank you xxxxxx
@randomsam17 @randomsam17 27.05.2020
so from what i gather, lock picking at a beginner level is just stabbing a lock open
@hardyanpajero69 @hardyanpajero69 26.05.2020
@enzuki @enzuki 26.05.2020
LockPickingLawyer: Just picked up this one, it was brand new.<br><br><b>Pulls out beaten up packaging</b>
@thumperlockpicking9269 @thumperlockpicking9269 26.05.2020
Great fucking job bro
@tomthompson7400 @tomthompson7400 25.05.2020
Ingersol used to make the locks the army used on the armoury , thats a fair recommendation
@Baseplate36 @Baseplate36 25.05.2020
so you mention some features that make it more pick resistant than normal, why arent these features (in particular the o-ring) common on locks today?
@Nateatethegreat @Nateatethegreat 25.05.2020
Can we all just say that this and mre Steve should be considered therapeutic ? the voices could calm anything

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