ERA Single Lever Picking A 5 Lever ERA Curtained Mortice Lock Using ICL Picks (Most of my videos are...
Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Взлом отмычками
Замок. Производитель: ERA. Артикул:
Описание: Single Lever Picking A 5 Lever ERA Curtained Mortice Lock Using ICL Picks (Most of my videos are tutorials with hints and tips for lock picking, Including bumping locks raking locks and single pin picking locks SPP using many different lock picking tools,
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @peteryork300 21.03.2018 The lever pack are all the same. So not that hard as false gates are all in same position and they are all above the gate. Light tension over lift and then let them drop back by feathering the tension.           @waddac2 22.03.2018->Thanks for the tips there Peter. But when picking and not seeing the lever stack it is difficult to know where false gates are as picking blind so to speak. It is not until the front case is taken off that we can see what is happening inside. Thank you again buddy.. Great comment and thanks for watching.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @sovereign-vv2ds 01.02.2017 Hi waddac since your a promoter for UK locksport you might be able to help me <br><br>I've signed up but for some reason cannot get an activation email it isn't anywhere in spam nothing. On the website it will say it been successfully resent one when I try to log in but still nothing<br><br>Any ideas<br>Thanks           @waddac2 02.02.2017->Hi Lewis, sorry for the delay as been really busy with work buddy. When you clicked Register and filled in details of username and password etc.. What did it say, and did you then attempt to browse forum etc?
We have recently had a server update so that could be the issue.
Let me know, cheers
waddac2           @sovereign-vv2ds 02.02.2017->It registered fine said I needed to confirm my email when they sent one out to me but none turned up so I tried to log in said the same thing and came up with resend confirmation email tried that and still nothing
Tryed to set up a new account incase I messed up my email address the first time and it says it's got a registered user attached to it so I didn't get it wrong first time I just can't receive an email to confirm for some reason           @waddac2 03.02.2017->Sorry delay again Lewis. I will get onto one of our global admin team and ask them. We did change servers a week or so again so that could be the issue. I will pop a post in our team chat room and let you know.
Regards, waddac2           @sovereign-vv2ds 04.02.2017->OK thanks a lot bud           @waddac2 05.02.2017->Hi bud, hope your keeping well. I have just this moment put a post on forum in our team chat room and as soon as I get some replies will let you know.
Regards, waddac2
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Potti314 31.01.2017 Very interesting and something special. Very nicely done. The tool that you used (the ICL), can it be used for most lever locks?           @waddac2 31.01.2017->Yes the tool can be used for all lever locks buddy as it comes with two different sized pieces (Picks) that go into the lock to tension it. Well they will fit most 5 lever locks. Think they could be 5 and 7 gauge. Not 100% sure though as no expert on 5 lever mortice locks.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @tonyholt90 30.01.2017 hi Rich, nicely done and it nice to see a few lever locks being opened, well done!!!!           @waddac2 31.01.2017->Thanks Tony mate... Yes, needed to dust my mortice picks off so do not get too much out of practice with them as they are a fun pick ;o))))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @TallanPick 30.01.2017 Great picking my friend, I've never pick a lever lock, I have a pair of ERA locks like that, although it may not be the right one to start. Great vid, thanks for sharing buddy ;-)))           @waddac2 30.01.2017->Thank you Carlos my friend. They are fun to pick buddy ;o))))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @rjperkins365 29.01.2017 Nice job. I was just looking at some of these picks. Think I'm going to try it out.           @waddac2 30.01.2017->They are fun to pick Randy, so yes give them a try buddy ;o))))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @pickbeard2690 29.01.2017 Super work buddy,nice to see you picking something else other than pin tumblers ????????<br>I know it's practice and feel,but was impressed at the speed you knew that you had fallen into a false gate??????           @waddac2 29.01.2017->Thanks buddy. Yep you definitely feel it once in a false gate and cannot waste time carrying on picking, so a quick re-set and pick again. Thanks again buddy. X
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @eclipsedave 29.01.2017 Thanks for the pic vid. I want to get in to lever lock picking next.           @waddac2 29.01.2017->Thanks again for watching buddy. They are great fun to pick ;o))))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @deronchopathe3791 29.01.2017 Good job! I like lever locks. :)           @waddac2 29.01.2017->Thanks buddy. They are very fun to pick and often frustrating if you keep hitting false gates LOL!!!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @adrianleon9487 29.01.2017 fantastico trabajo amigo. interesante cerradura. SALUDOS           @waddac2 29.01.2017->Gracias Adrian mi amigo. No he escogido uno por mucho tiempo, asi que pense que conseguiria uno de nuevo y tener una obra de teatro. Son divertidos de escoger. Gracias de nuevo mi amigo ;o))))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @punkrock9291 29.01.2017 great picking           @waddac2 29.01.2017->Thanks for watching buddy and thanks for the great comment ;o))))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @BD90.. 29.01.2017 How much tension for these locks. Need some help please.           @waddac2 29.01.2017->It can vary from lock to lock buddy. I pick these like I do any lock and start with light tension at first and just go in and test the levers. If all move up and spring back down I start again with a bit more tension. This lock can be a bit funny as when 4 levers are in the true gate, the final lever is stopping the bolt retracting as it is very slightly sat too low and I mean very slightly, so I have to test each lever by just tickling them gently until I tickle the right one, then bolt slides back nicely.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @jeffmoss26 29.01.2017 nice...not something we see very often over here!           @waddac2 29.01.2017->Thanks Jeff mate. I have not picked one for a while, so decided to dust the ICL Picks off and have a play.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @LockButcherShop 29.01.2017 ugh I hope to one day own a set of those picks:D how the heck to you miss that false gate? a lot of skill there. fun to watch:)           @waddac2 29.01.2017->It is a bit like picking normal locks as looking for binders but false gates are a pain as you can think it is picked then trapped, a quick release and remembering if high or low helps a bit to me. Like I say, I am no expert on these and decided to play again ;o))))
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Привет , ребята я больше мест в Великобритании lockss
коробка школа не в Великобритании это видео
отдельная вещь торчащие эру
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выбрал один из них в течение длительного времени , так
далеко я хотел бы попробовать и обновить себя , используя
ICL фото вы работаете ключ является мягкая
наклейка их магнитная паука-человека
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