ERA Single Pin Picking A 6 Pin ERA Euro Lock With 4 Spool Driver Pins And Steel Pins For Anti Drill...
Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Взлом отмычками
Цилиндровый механизм. Производитель: ERA. Артикул:
Описание: Single Pin Picking A 6 Pin ERA Euro Lock With 4 Spool Driver Pins And Steel Pins For Anti Drill (Most of my videos are tutorials with hints and tips for lock picking, Including bumping locks raking locks and single pin picking locks SPP using many differe
931 просмотров
Время взлома: 4 мин
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @TallanPick 04.12.2015 Great picking Rich! a pleasure watch you working. Nice lock.<br>Thanks for sharing mate ;-)))           @waddac2 04.12.2015->Thanks Carlos my friend
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @deronchopathe3791 16.11.2015 Great video, picking and explanations: Bravo! ;)           @waddac2 16.11.2015->Thank you my friend ;o))))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @richardwales5561 16.11.2015 perfect picking as always Rich.           @waddac2 16.11.2015->Cheers Rick mate ;o))))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @jerrywelch1870 16.11.2015 nicely done Rich           @waddac2 16.11.2015->+Jerry Welch Thanks Jerry ;o))))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @javidpatel344 16.11.2015 nice job rich           @waddac2 16.11.2015->+Javid Patel Thanks Javid mate. Hope Your Keeping Well. If Not you have my email for a chat any time; o)           @javidpatel344 16.11.2015->+waddac2 thanks rich really good to no you're there and if you ever need me I'm there as well
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @pickbeard2690 16.11.2015 Nice to see you back picking buddy??<br>Great work as usual????           @waddac2 16.11.2015->+Pick Beard Im thinking of giving up picking as do not have time           @pickbeard2690 16.11.2015->It would be a very sad day if that is the case.??? Just make a guest appearance every now and again. What about the forum??           @waddac2 16.11.2015->Im going to carry on picking but with me not picking much when getting in late from work I rush and make mistakes picking and over set. Had a think about it today and as say will carry on picking but may take a break for a week or two and then see how I get on on. Sometimes too much picking is bad and a break is needed to get the edge back ;o))))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @VALIANTTHOR383 16.11.2015 Outstanding as always, just a pleasure to watch and see. Well done by friend. Going to watch this a few times.           @waddac2 16.11.2015->+Thor Thank you Mark my friend and always a pleasure to see you and comment on my videos. Got a lot on my mind at the moment regarding work so not done too many videos
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @jeffmoss26 16.11.2015 well done!           @waddac2 16.11.2015->Thanks Jeff. It was an easy lock to pick...... Think I need to practice more. LOL!!!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Potti314 16.11.2015 Great video buddy. Very cool how you forecast your picking and then do it straight as you said. The pictures at the end are just marvelous; the magnet with the pins is very funny.           @waddac2 16.11.2015->+Potti314 Thanks mate.. I am going through some bad picking problems at the moment.
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