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ASSA DP 10 Lockpicking ASSA DP 10 RED ()

Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Взлом отмычками
Цилиндровый механизм. Производитель: ASSA. Артикул: DP 10
Описание: DP 10 Lockpicking ASSA DP 10 RED ()
2 133 просмотров
Время взлома: 13 мин

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@yomy8434 @yomy8434 23.03.2019
...no dejas hacer zoom...para ver bien los pernos y los spools...!¡..???
@xAndrzej42 @xAndrzej42 24.12.2018
What camera is it? Seems to be working greatly.
@yatdigoyatdigo7800 @yatdigoyatdigo7800 06.05.2018
me ha encantado. me gustaría me enviaras un par de hocks y una multipunto hechas por ti. te lo agradecería mucho
@NoctisMotus @NoctisMotus 18.12.2016
Sweet pick of a very nice lock! Thank you for sharing. :)
@deronchopathe3791 @deronchopathe3791 17.12.2016
Otra apertura de excepción: un gran bravo!
@jeffmoss26 @jeffmoss26 17.12.2016
very nice!!
@tumbl3r @tumbl3r 17.12.2016
Beautiful picking and a really wonderful lock! I have never seen one of those before. Thank you very much for sharing it with us!
         @rjperkins365 @rjperkins365 17.12.2016->tumbl3r that is exactly what I have but mine is an oval.
         @rjperkins365 @rjperkins365 17.12.2016->tumbl3r Ha that sux I was gonna see if you wanted to do a borrow trade with your Evva. Have you tried a Sargent Keso? ?
@rjperkins365 @rjperkins365 16.12.2016
I have one of those in a oval cylinder. It's actually a DP+. A DP is 5 sidebar chambers of 10 sliders. I thought it was weird the DP+ comes before the DP.
         @rjperkins365 @rjperkins365 16.12.2016->You are the first person I have seen do a video on an ASSA DP+ though. Wished I learned mine quicker but I have so many locks right now I haven't even touched it yet.

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