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Работа цилиндрового механизма. How a lock works (omegared lockpicking, how a lock works / come...

Категория: TV и пресса, каналы YouTube
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Цилиндровый механизм. Производитель: . Артикул:
Описание: Работа цилиндрового механизма. How a lock works (omegared lockpicking, how a lock works / come funziona una serratura)
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@chithienvo9116 @chithienvo9116 24.12.2019
how did human invented the lock ? ...
@Xander269 @Xander269 05.06.2019
He buys his subs
@yummypuddles3135 @yummypuddles3135 22.02.2016
What's with the horrible audio
@44dmaxful @44dmaxful 13.02.2016
Plz show the slow motion
@shaunrosenberg4568 @shaunrosenberg4568 20.11.2015
What stops the lock from being opened by a different key with the same length? I would expect to see something to fit perfectly with the edges of the key and it didnt look that way at all. Im confused.
@vijithmv427 @vijithmv427 21.06.2015
@zekeskid @zekeskid 10.05.2015

@Isalys555 @Isalys555 15.03.2015
Nice Omega key ^^
         @oxOMEGAREDxo @oxOMEGAREDxo 15.03.2015->:)
         @kaburis7280 @kaburis7280 17.03.2015->Omega Red great video. how the spings are being remain down during of rotating?
         @oxOMEGAREDxo @oxOMEGAREDxo 17.03.2015->Kostas Kostas By compression, when the rotation begin, there is no other place they can can go.
         @kaburis7280 @kaburis7280 17.03.2015->i had already uderstood it as i rececrocated to onother guy who had left a comment. thank yoy very much
@scottcarey1 @scottcarey1 26.06.2014
I&#39;m kinda confused, at <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOlJHiY4NJg&amp;t=76">1:16</a> when you rotate the plug, why do the springs not push up again? It doesn&#39;t look like there is anything stopping them at certain rotations. 
         @kaburis7280 @kaburis7280 17.03.2015->i have the same wonder dude
         @kaburis7280 @kaburis7280 17.03.2015->Kostas Kostas iwas abserving  this again and again but i didn;t  clear it
         @kaburis7280 @kaburis7280 17.03.2015->i just udrestood it. if you will see the biggining of video, you see that the cylinder d
uring rotatinf, keeps the spings down. so, when the key is taken out, the cylinder not being keep the spings down
@oxOMEGAREDxo @oxOMEGAREDxo 29.04.2014
how a lock works
@weirjwerijrweurhuewhr588 @weirjwerijrweurhuewhr588 08.03.2014
Thanks, this makes it really easy to understand how a lock works!
@IsmaelKenig @IsmaelKenig 28.01.2014
Why doesn&#39;t the pins fall with a pick like when we remove the key?
         @weirjwerijrweurhuewhr588 @weirjwerijrweurhuewhr588 01.01.1970->Because you apply rotational force with the tension wrench, this keeps the pins in place. 
@alanbrody3223 @alanbrody3223 05.11.2013
Now l can die in peace! Nice work!
@mpnl21 @mpnl21 11.05.2013
Awesome!! :)
@BaggioVL15 @BaggioVL15 29.06.2012
How did you make such a nacked lock?
@oxOMEGAREDxo @oxOMEGAREDxo 09.09.2011
@XMSTARSHIP2 thanks m8!!!!!!!!!!!!
very nice work !
@oxOMEGAREDxo @oxOMEGAREDxo 07.09.2011
@waddac2 you too waddac you too ;)
@waddac2 @waddac2 07.09.2011
Your welcome my friend :o)))
@oxOMEGAREDxo @oxOMEGAREDxo 07.09.2011
@waddac2 thanks waddac ;)

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