------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @disput0r 10.08.2018 у меня вчера вскрыли interactive+ без повреждений ..подозреваю что таким способом..спас border зш
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @мишамишин-ъ7ю 15.06.2017 заказать можно?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @TheBarryaw 06.02.2013 Same as I was gonna say. Your prob using a normal cut and a master key. I spoke with garrison about your vid said the same as me. Full off BS. Come pic my door. I'll hear you the. I'll use my proper pic. Lol just kiddin. But ur vid is bs matey           @sren1446 27.09.2017->Barry Winfield Can you tell me. Is that key for all lock. Or is there a key for different lock. ???
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @hazeegt4 18.12.2012 Considering i build these all day, Yes the can picked blind -classic(10pin) and intergrator (7 pin) .
havent yet picked interactive or mt5 - as havent made a tool up yet.
if you can pump them demostrate this by:
a- take a service cylinder
b- repin it to a fresh key and card set.
c- bump the lock.
d- do all this on camera with no editing and bump it without hours of practicing
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @diki1555 07.08.2012 So now MTL can be bump as it's drills can be distinguished from previous decades.
So much for high security and that's why the MT5 came along at 05. KC5 machine only.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @goucheroucher 27.07.2012 I can bump black, silver or gold - done them all ukbumpkeys (google it)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @goucheroucher 27.07.2012 We have UNIVERSAL Mul-T-Lock interactive BUMP KEYS. Will do black, silver and gold.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @HiNtZzZ 07.05.2009 Wrong.... on all counts.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @msbogdan 18.04.2009 all the specialists...)))there are five pins and four double cuts for the interactive cylinders, and the key flotant pin can be either silver, black or gold. And no this cylinders cannot be bumped. i have a degree from assa abloy from a mul-t-lock seminar and i tryed myself with a presentation cylinder that i own witch have open sectionsand u can see what is going on inside when u try to bump it. But i did opened it with picklockig tools(only if u can see inside the cylinder)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @atpforever1 08.12.2007 bad guys cant use bump keys because
1they don`t know how many pins
2.they don`t know how low the hills have to be
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @lmp4eva 27.03.2007 this is dumb yes your right , on one side of the key there are five cuts and on the other there are six . second of all the key that works it looks like its pinned to a1 a1 a1 b2 a1... third of all he is not even bumping it right you have to back it out one space if you really want to know what he is doing ... he has the lock master keyed to two key the first kluzzz (key) is pinned to the key correctly the "bump kluzzz" is just a little off from the master pins , try it its lame....