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ASSA 290S84 [55] Review - Lockwood / Assa Abloy 290S84 Monoblock

Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Взлом отмычками
Замок. Производитель: ASSA. Артикул: 290S84
Описание: 290S84 [55] Review - Lockwood / Assa Abloy 290S84 Monoblock
2 445 просмотров
Время взлома: 5 мин

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@brianhignett8954 @brianhignett8954 28.02.2017
Hi Michael, Lockwood are fitting these shallow cut spools in all their locks now, and in all pin chambers. Most manufactures that use spools will use deep cut spools, but include at least one standard driver pin to keep the plug straight for ease of insertion and removal of the key, however this can also contribute to the ease of bumping and raking etc. Lockwood have used shallow cut spools that still allow key insertion and removal, but slight pressure on the plug will cause the pins to lock up - extremely effective against bumping and raking and also the pick gun. The shallow spools actually make picking Lockwood cylinders easier - much easier than the original bevelled pins ( for an experienced picker ) due to the feed back these spools give, but Lockwood have achieved their goal - excellent bump resistance, rake resistance, and vibration resistant. P.S. We have found some of the " drill resistant " pins not hardened - Lockwood are now aware of this. Regards, Brian.
         @MichaelMaynard @MichaelMaynard 28.02.2017->Wow that's interesting stuff Brian. I agree, these spools are easier to pick than standard pins once you understand their feedback but in the real world that's an absolute irrelevance. We in the locksport community get a bit precious about this and tend to downrate easier-to-pick locks but we're wrong: bump resistance and defence against physical attack are FAR more important.

I had some preconceptions about this lock and had to change my tune about it once I figured out what the designers were doing. If there was a decent anti drill plate covering the keyway this would be a damned good padlock. (And, so help me, a better keyway profile. You know what I think about the poor old C4.)
         @brianhignett8954 @brianhignett8954 28.02.2017->I agree about the C4 keyway, but from a commercial point of view it makes a lot of sense. The lock is compatible with all Lockwood products for keying alike etc. and just about every other manufacturer uses the C4 keyway - if they don't, they are not compatible, and sales are limited. On the other hand, if customers require additional security, restricted profiles are available, especially for master key systems, including such cylinders as BiLock etc. The C4 keyway is an open keyway, and allows sppickers easy access, but that is a low priority in the actual scheme of things, I think Lockwood have addressed the most likely forms of attack very successfully. I agree they could have fitted a anti drill rotating disc, but in my nearly 60 years as a locksmith, I have seen a few, and only a few, lock cylinders drilled in anger, but due to their nature, never a padlock. Regards, Brian.
         @MichaelMaynard @MichaelMaynard 28.02.2017->Yup, agreed with every word.
@chefgav1 @chefgav1 27.10.2024
Shallow lip spools have been used for over 20 years
@lisacassar2225 @lisacassar2225 23.01.2021
Can u please suggest a lock for 20 foot shipping container. <br>Inwasngoing to get this one but not so convinced now...<br>I live in Melbourne please advise thxs
@metalmanglingmariner @metalmanglingmariner 22.05.2019
Been re-viewing this as I managed to get one.<br>After setting pins 1-4 how did you know that 5 and 6 needed a taller pick?
@t4ketsuru @t4ketsuru 10.06.2018
soo would you still get his for a motorcycle Was planing to get this with a security chain. the swingarm might make it more harder to pick was hoping the thickness of the lock will make it longer/harder to bolt off and angel grinders will take longer
@chefgav1 @chefgav1 11.07.2017
BB struggled with this same lock and pins
@redcatimaging @redcatimaging 02.03.2017
Arrrg..again this shallow spools ;D. They should call it Monsterblock instead of monoblock, it looks so beefy, probably keeps the hulk out of your shed ;D. Absolutely interesting pre-picking gutt. These locks are really not easy to pick if you have such a bitting we had. Very well done Michael. Now you know what you&#39;re dealing with :D. Interesting mix of new drivers ;), perhaps I would have mixed a little nasty surprise in hehe ;).
@LockNoob @LockNoob 01.03.2017
Nice vid and pick. Great to hear a bit of swearing while picking :-)
@peterestall @peterestall 01.03.2017
Great video again, interesting about the spools, and a gorgeous lock.
@TsiolkovskySportingLocks @TsiolkovskySportingLocks 28.02.2017
Wow that is something else there mate.
@tipenengapuhi @tipenengapuhi 28.02.2017
Foxxy wrestled with those same shallow spools in that Lockwood you sent him. They look quite harmless, obviously they are not ?
@DonzLockz @DonzLockz 28.02.2017
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have one and I&#39;ll put in a BiLock before I use it on my new trailer. I am happy with the overall physical strength but as you show, the core could be better for a rating of 10. Cheers
@sheriff9396 @sheriff9396 28.02.2017
Very nice picking there, thanks for the Video.
@s7ok3d54 @s7ok3d54 28.02.2017
another great vid , the lockwood locks and there tight tolerance really makes it a formidable pick !!! atleast for my fumble fingers

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