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Апекс, Гард XD [495] Apecs XD (13 Pins!) Euro Profile Cylinder Picked and Gutted ()

Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Взлом отмычками
Цилиндровый механизм. Производитель: Апекс, Гард. Артикул: XD
Описание: XD [495] Apecs XD (13 Pins!) Euro Profile Cylinder Picked and Gutted ()
219 204 просмотров

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@PhantomFuego @PhantomFuego 24.04.2024
Thank you for the content
@BlurSentinel @BlurSentinel 30.06.2023
It triggers me every time that almost every lockpicker picks these euro profile cylinders upside down. No door has it in that possition.
@florinpandele5205 @florinpandele5205 15.05.2023
Putin: Damn, this guy can launch my ICBMs...
@colin.charbel @colin.charbel 27.04.2023
Nice video. Well done.
@jukeboxjonnie @jukeboxjonnie 22.03.2023
Lock users, seems obvious, the first thing to do is file off the company name badge from the front of the lock; Extra security making it more difficult to determine the internals.
@marlonmalave7098 @marlonmalave7098 17.02.2023
it’s been 5 years since he posted this and i’m wondering… since he placed the bottom pins in the top of the tray, and the top ones in the bottom, does that mean that he also plays with his Y-Axis inverted? good question.
@Dime_Bar @Dime_Bar 23.07.2022
XD stands for extra difficult to disassemble and put back together.
@Craig-ib7gk @Craig-ib7gk 12.04.2022
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkLFxXmE8iA&amp;t=605">10:05</a> would have been a perfect place for LPL to say, &quot;Hang on... uh oh...&quot; and then just let out a world class ripping sneeze and we see a pin+spring explosion.?
@VicTruter @VicTruter 12.03.2022
I noticed the springs that appear denser in the middle. I first thought it was ball bearing balls in the middle. I have never seen this before.
@mirkoninhopsalot @mirkoninhopsalot 01.02.2022
Putting these back together would be interesting to see. Seems like that would be a lot harder
@pilotpilot1304 @pilotpilot1304 01.02.2022
would you be able to pick this if it wasnt upside down?
@gbthegreat @gbthegreat 25.01.2022
Dumb question. Why are some of these picked upside down?!
@LPAaron93 @LPAaron93 24.12.2021
I love what he does.
@gray-nox @gray-nox 14.12.2021
Apecs?.. usually It&#39;s a very weak and cheap lock. We have a lot of this garbage in Russia
@ACAIDC @ACAIDC 27.10.2021
The lock is upside down.
@gridburn @gridburn 25.10.2021
Omg, in this video he talks about the one time that it WAS a fluke.
@Peronioz @Peronioz 13.10.2021
That&#39;s my house&#39;s locks!
@justsomeone89 @justsomeone89 12.10.2021
Lock upside down.... You should hold the lock how it is supposed to be mounted. This method makes it easier to set those top pins...
@namkreo @namkreo 11.10.2021
is it right, you need to pick it 4 times to get 2 360° rotations to unlock a Door (if it is locked 2 times) and a 5th to move the nose ?
@bobvilla4383 @bobvilla4383 04.10.2021
I HATE this guy.<br>-Apex

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