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DOM System "D" DOM System "D" from Randy Perkins - Pick & Gut

Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Взлом отмычками
Цилиндровый механизм. Производитель: DOM. Артикул: System "D"
Описание: System "D" DOM System "D" from Randy Perkins - Pick & Gut
2 146 просмотров
Время взлома: 2 мин

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@militaryrig @militaryrig 05.05.2020
anyone know where I can get one of these keys in the UK?
@DonzLockz @DonzLockz 17.09.2017
These euro lock are unfortunately hard to find my way. Good quick picking. Im sure the average picker would take much longer!??
@Potti314 @Potti314 12.07.2017
Very enjoyable video and great picking. Guess I will get myself one of these as the DOM system "D" lock looks really cool.
@janwowdeleter @janwowdeleter 12.07.2017
Great job. Im about to buy a new lock to my appartment door. I would like some you did not manage to open :-D Can you give me buy tip?<br>Thank you!
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 12.07.2017->So there are locks I can't pick like the Banham M2002, DOM Diamant, EVVA MCS, Abloy Protec 2. And there are the locks I would recommend like the ASSA Twin, Schlage Primus, EVVA 3KS and BiLock.

In my opinion, the ASSA Twin 6000 is the absolute highest quality overall mechanical locking system there is. This is from the perspective of picking, drilling, forcing, etc.

Picking attacks are almost never used in the wild, and with the exception of the Kwikset SmartKey, any of the locks you see on my channel are more than sufficient to protect your property. Overall security is a complex topic with many aspects. Generally, you are looking for the weakest link in your chain. Can your windows be broken? Doors smashed?

Picking is a form of surreptitious entry and not particularly practical outside of the espionage and intelligence circles. It is also a skill that takes time and effort to develop. If the common thug had the aptitude to develop these skills, he would probably have a job and not need to take people's property.

Hope this helps. I try to focus on the absolute best locks in the world for my picking. I do this not to suggest that they are insecure, but to explore them and learn about how they work. If you see a lock on my channel is probably means that it is an extremely high-quality system worthy of your consideration. Again with the exception of the SmartKey. That lock is tricky to pick, but does have known forcing exploits which, at least for me, would rule it out.
         @janwowdeleter @janwowdeleter 13.07.2017->It helped me a lot. I very appreciate your recommandation. Thank you for great and fast reply!
@kennethziolkowski3179 @kennethziolkowski3179 11.07.2017
nice pick!
@LockNoob @LockNoob 10.07.2017
Beautiful picking again :-)
@jeffmoss26 @jeffmoss26 03.07.2017
man that is cool!
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 04.07.2017->Thanks Jeff! This is a really cool lock. I really like DOM's products!
@RuneInternational @RuneInternational 03.07.2017
Chris Ahrens call it the buck deer keyway. I think it looks like a bull. So you are now the matador.
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 04.07.2017->LOL... +LockPickingLawyer fought the bull a few days before me... I think he's the matador in this case, but I certainly enjoyed the experience picking this super fun lock :) Thanks for watching!
@pickbeard2690 @pickbeard2690 02.07.2017
Classy,thanks ???
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 04.07.2017->Thanks PB! Happy fourth!
@RuneInternational @RuneInternational 02.07.2017
knowing there are risk of construction balls active. I would have gutted it without locking it up first. think about if you had deactivated them, and was left with a non working key.
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 04.07.2017->That's a very good point. I'd not thought of it, so I'm lucky I didn't get trapped, LOL.
         @RuneInternational @RuneInternational 04.07.2017->tumbl3r Another reason not to pick locks in use or belonging to someone else.
@rustylocks1330 @rustylocks1330 02.07.2017
Awesome video once again tumbl3r!
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 04.07.2017->Thanks so much :) Glad you enjoyed!
@lockpickinglawyer @lockpickinglawyer 02.07.2017
Nice job. Surprised that the ball bearings for alternate keying were the same as mine. I assumed that Dom would mix it up by putting them in different positions.
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 04.07.2017->Thanks :) I was really shocked that the construction bearings were in the exact same chambers as yours. Makes me think it might be a common practice for smiths who work with these locks. I really enjoyed your video on this one too.
@VetalR @VetalR 02.07.2017
Opening of the lock very fast, perfect!
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 04.07.2017->Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the video ;)
@Tko-rj6ir @Tko-rj6ir 02.07.2017
Nice picking! I don&#39;t know how I wasn&#39;t subscribed before lol that&#39;s a really awesome lock!
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 04.07.2017->Thanks TKO! Glad you enjoyed :) This lock was fun!
@Leonslockpad @Leonslockpad 02.07.2017
great job buddy very nice?????
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 04.07.2017->Thanks Leon! I'm happy you enjoyed! ??
@NoctisMotus @NoctisMotus 02.07.2017
Nice work! Gotta love a keyway with horns. ;)
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 04.07.2017->When I first saw this keyway I remember thinking "what am I in for?... It looks really intimidating!
@rjperkins365 @rjperkins365 02.07.2017
Glad you liked it. Think you do great videos so I sent some locks that needed to be on video. I have to figure something out cause I can&#39;t pick with a tripod in between my arms.
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 04.07.2017->Thanks Randy. I'm constantly amazed at your generosity and willingness to share your awesome locks with me! I use a laboratory ring stand to hold my camera, which gives me the overhead angle and keeps me from having to manage a tripod. The cumbersome tripod was actually why I finally decided to pick this one upside down... I was either in the way of the camera or it was in the way of me, LOL.
@Phred_Phlintstoner @Phred_Phlintstoner 02.07.2017
nice pick. must be a sob with all the dropping pins. its always frustrating to have a lock fight you the whole time.<br><br><br><br>A: chris ahrens lhg. from what ive found anyway.
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 04.07.2017->Thanks Phred! The pins didn't drop all the way... Just enough to hang things up. it was pretty strange. A little like pin-in-pin.
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 08.07.2017->You are the winner +Phred Phlintstoner. Indeed, Chris is the first known picker to ever open the Uptown Downtown Gen3 SmartKey. PM me your address and I will send you your lock :) Contrats!
         @Phred_Phlintstoner @Phred_Phlintstoner 08.07.2017->awesome! Thank you! I NEVER win anything at all... you just made my weekend. thanks again and please keep making the wonderful videos.
@ChrisAhrensLHG @ChrisAhrensLHG 02.07.2017
I liked the lock (coin) flip had to watch it twice. the keyway reminds me of a buck deer silhouette. great job picking it.
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 04.07.2017->Thanks Chris! And thanks for watching my friend ??
@chefgav1 @chefgav1 02.07.2017
another high quality pick M8.keep them coming. Thoroughly enjoy all your picks
         @tumbl3r @tumbl3r 04.07.2017->Thanks so much for your kind words man! I'm glad you enjoy the videos. They are fun to make ??

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