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MAUER Elite [520] Mauer Elite Euro Profile Cylinder Picked and Gutted ()

Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Взлом отмычками
Цилиндровый механизм. Производитель: MAUER. Артикул: Elite
Описание: Elite [520] Mauer Elite Euro Profile Cylinder Picked and Gutted ()
14 026 просмотров
Время взлома: 1 мин

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@ceko0992 @ceko0992 07.07.2020
Do you have some kind of jail history ?
@danielroglich3309 @danielroglich3309 11.04.2020
Great review brother,thanks for sharing it with us
@doublea556 @doublea556 21.07.2017
I like your profile lock tools! Where can I find those?
@RPRosen-ki2fk @RPRosen-ki2fk 20.07.2017
Judging by the pins, it looks like virtually the same cut across the key. I'm guessing the hardest thing about this lock is ... putting it back together.
@stig..locks..r956 @stig..locks..r956 20.07.2017
well for a 2 star rated lock it didn't put up much of a fight well done any way thanks stiglocks..r
@AalbertTorsius @AalbertTorsius 20.07.2017
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?", to quote the Joker. I haven't seen the tools you use for gutting anywhere else. Where can I find these?
         @two_tier_gary_rumain @two_tier_gary_rumain 15.04.2018->eBay, Banggood, etc. He's done a review of the kit. You've probably seen it by now.
@evanchapmanfanman @evanchapmanfanman 19.07.2017
I have this problem with locks I pin up, I will make my own deep cut spools with thin tops to make sure they will engage fully, and I use spooled key pins to make an overset trap. I have actually installed a number of these locks on other people's homes, I might have to send one your way to see how long it takes you to get in, ALL my locks have excellent bitting.
@lmars5933 @lmars5933 19.07.2017
Great spp'd LPL very nice gutting. very well explained. thanks for sharing buddy. ??????
@DrSid42 @DrSid42 19.07.2017
Nice details on that spool engaging .. or more like not engaging .. :-)
@tomvankruistum3436 @tomvankruistum3436 19.07.2017
Have you ever done a axa bike lock of no where is your info to send you one?
@tonyholt90 @tonyholt90 19.07.2017
ha back to picking! was expecting some poor lock facing the pipe wrench.....
@Oeds007 @Oeds007 19.07.2017
What's the name of the tool you used?
@darthpaul123 @darthpaul123 19.07.2017
Nice picking. Cool looking lock, but too bad those spools didn't do anything.
@lockpickinmagician9262 @lockpickinmagician9262 19.07.2017
Nice picking ! again, a lock that looks very intimating, is an easy pick. ( for you ) Thanks for the tutorial !
@themadhatter4761 @themadhatter4761 19.07.2017
Nice job, thanks for the video ??
@LockNoob @LockNoob 19.07.2017
Nice work :-)

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