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KABA gemini Crochetage cylindre Kaba gemini

Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Взлом отмычками
Цилиндровый механизм. Производитель: KABA. Артикул: gemini
Описание: gemini Crochetage cylindre Kaba gemini
1 206 просмотров
Время взлома: 8 мин

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@uklockpickaUklp @uklockpickaUklp 25.12.2018
I'm actually working on one of these at the moment, a tough lock to pick very well done, you are picking some awesome locks mate
         @deronchopathe3791 @deronchopathe3791 28.12.2018->Thank you, I am very perseverant for these species of cylinder ...;o)))
         @uklockpickaUklp @uklockpickaUklp 28.12.2018->@@deronchopathe3791 yeah I'm struggling with this one. I think I got all of em picked but the thing won't open lol....I think the pins are really easy to over set? What do you think? We're you using heavy tension?
         @deronchopathe3791 @deronchopathe3791 29.12.2018->Yes, pins easily over set.
I use a variable tension, but overall light.
At the end, when all pins are harder, I release the tension for racking.
Good luck! ;)
@NoctisMotus @NoctisMotus 13.10.2017
Very nice! :)
         @deronchopathe3791 @deronchopathe3791 14.10.2017->Thanks my friend :)
@martinrsl4343 @martinrsl4343 12.10.2017
c clé kaba elle son très cher à copier.
         @deronchopathe3791 @deronchopathe3791 14.10.2017->Oui, comme beaucoup de cles en radial.
@adrianleon9487 @adrianleon9487 10.10.2017
buen trabajo amigo!! esa cerradura no es nada fácil. SALUDOS
         @deronchopathe3791 @deronchopathe3791 11.10.2017->Gracias amigo. Tienes razon, un cilindro muy sutil :)
@TallanPick @TallanPick 10.10.2017
Wow, great picking my friend, that´s a very difficult lock to pick, congrats mate ;o))<br>Thanks for sharing ;o))
         @deronchopathe3791 @deronchopathe3791 11.10.2017->Thanks my friend, I still need to improve my tool ;)
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 11.10.2017->This tool is very interesting, I have to made something similar and try to pick a Kaba, do you have the measures of the tip?
@waddac2 @waddac2 10.10.2017
Great picking as always my friend
         @deronchopathe3791 @deronchopathe3791 11.10.2017->Thank you Rich ;)
@Leonslockpad @Leonslockpad 10.10.2017
Great job my friend that was a fighter????????
         @deronchopathe3791 @deronchopathe3791 11.10.2017->Thanks, this is not a first opening however ...;o)))
@marssel7511 @marssel7511 10.10.2017
Ça ceré bien une petite vidéo crochetage cylindre muel ou vak !
         @deronchopathe3791 @deronchopathe3791 11.10.2017->J'essayerais, des que j'aurais un de ces cylindres...
@VetalR @VetalR 10.10.2017
Отлично,очень сложный замок.
         @deronchopathe3791 @deronchopathe3791 11.10.2017->Спасибо. Но мой инструмент не достаточно тонкий ...;)

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