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ABUS [565] Abus "Rock" 83/80 Picked and Ramset Attack Planned ()

Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: -
Замок. Производитель: ABUS. Артикул:
Описание: [565] Abus "Rock" 83/80 Picked and Ramset Attack Planned ()
359 134 просмотров

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@ivan_pozdeev_u @ivan_pozdeev_u 03.11.2024
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opf1XI7vZ5Q&amp;t=400">6:40</a> With that drawn scheme with red arrows, LPL is essentially planning a heist!
@miron0119 @miron0119 03.07.2024
Абус это выброшенные деньги. Надёжнее замотать проволкой
@inigomontoya860 @inigomontoya860 06.06.2024
My thought is to go around the corner from the 3rd option, up on the side just above the threaded bottom plate. The sheer strength of the bolt is what you want to compromise. By hitting it that low, instead of high like in option 2, the plate may well have the clearance to fall away. So that&#39;s my thought. Option 4.
@matthewdobbie6740 @matthewdobbie6740 08.05.2024
Up the keyway(kill the lock)
@mrkultra1655 @mrkultra1655 12.02.2024
@aettic @aettic 20.12.2023
Still curious what this lock body is made of.
@aettic @aettic 20.12.2023
I suspect this lock is strong enough to withstand say... six or seven good hits with the Ramset.
@Hekkatonkir @Hekkatonkir 11.12.2023
Help ! Can someone explain me why there was three balls in the padlock instead of just two ? Would be very appreciated.
@thomasdickson35 @thomasdickson35 23.10.2023
I hope your sent that back to Ted for posterity sake ?
@Amberdogproductions @Amberdogproductions 19.07.2023
I&#39;m confused. It does not come with a working key???
@Ass_of_Amalek @Ass_of_Amalek 06.07.2023
did abus design this lock to reward thieves who learn to pick locks? you know, by making it indestructible, but pretty reasonable to pick.
@joshholbrooks1181 @joshholbrooks1181 29.05.2023
Maybe a combination attack threads first than the top try to push it out
@Nikkiflausch @Nikkiflausch 30.03.2023
A padlock so shiny, it‘s almost a face reveal.
@rockaturbo @rockaturbo 25.08.2022
Is the lock picking lawyer John Mulaney or is he just narrating this?
@skyde6340 @skyde6340 08.04.2022
the little hole at the bottom....with thread tap and a grease press (400bar), maybe some sealant, makes that 15mm shaft push up about 700kg as a piston, then maybe hitting at the top to make top of it to shatter
@eattabagovdix7169 @eattabagovdix7169 16.03.2022
Now THIS was a very informative video. The drawing at the end really showed what was going on and what you had planned. Good one
@tgafire87 @tgafire87 04.02.2022
Every lock I search on YouTube LPL has a video on. LOVE IT.
@JonathanSchattke @JonathanSchattke 17.01.2022
I&#39;d strike the latching lip, but I doubt that will deform the retaining plate enough to open the lock, so you&#39;d have to hit the lock body down to finish the exploit - a very noisy intrusion with two ramset attacks
@lorenzbrandstetter4650 @lorenzbrandstetter4650 04.12.2021
Maybe it would work with a strike on the left side of the bottom plate
@proghostzgamecreed6555 @proghostzgamecreed6555 31.10.2021
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opf1XI7vZ5Q&amp;t=104">1:44</a> LPL face reveal.

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