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DOM (428) 5 pin DOM Euro sent by "Keymaster" spp

Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Взлом отмычками
Цилиндровый механизм. Производитель: DOM. Артикул:
Описание: (428) 5 pin DOM Euro sent by "Keymaster" spp
110 просмотров
Время взлома: 2 мин

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@DonzLockz @DonzLockz 22.11.2017
Nice Bobby. The keyway and bitting look great, even if it's not too paracentric. It certainly looks intimidating! ??
@Leonslockpad @Leonslockpad 22.11.2017
Very nice picking bobby my friend??????
@johnmccormick2883 @johnmccormick2883 22.11.2017
Nice Job ... you got thru that quickly for sure!<br>Love your pinning tray!!! The color makes the pins stand-out and super nice to see.
         @bobbykeyz1263 @bobbykeyz1263 22.11.2017->John Mccormick thanks John. Yeah I just got done telling Harley that the tray is awesome for my videos it shows the pins really good.
@5qu1n7 @5qu1n7 22.11.2017
Nicely done Bobby. Thanks for sharing.
@gantry289 @gantry289 21.11.2017
Nice job (as always)
@billbacardi3262 @billbacardi3262 21.11.2017
Awesome picking as always my buddy.
@chachi424424 @chachi424424 21.11.2017
Great job picking.
@Frosty901 @Frosty901 21.11.2017
Nicely done my friend. Lovely lock with a great keyway. ???
@Steel-Pinnings @Steel-Pinnings 21.11.2017
Very cool lock, those pins look bigger than typical... look kinda like medeco oversized drivers. But that could just be the light playing tricks on me. Lol<br>Can&#39;t wait to see what you do to it.<br>Happy Pickin Buddy, <br>And Happy Thanksgiving
@Keymaster @Keymaster 21.11.2017
Great picking! It&#39;s awesome, that you turn it into a challenge lock! :)
@roblocks1424 @roblocks1424 21.11.2017
Nice lock you have there buddy and nice picking. Thanks for sharing.

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