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Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Взлом отмычками
Цилиндровый механизм. Производитель: Euro. Артикул: EASTA
Описание: EASTA
1 037 335 просмотров
Время взлома: 6 сек

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@abscomm @abscomm 31.12.2017
OK so you can pick a lock with only 1 chamber populated, congrats!
         @charliestanden3465 @charliestanden3465 08.08.2019->better than you mate
@happylarry955 @happylarry955 31.05.2016
yeah but if Neil Armstrong landed the Moon it would still be here.
@joe125ful @joe125ful 08.02.2016
All locks can be opened,but i not use lock on my front doors can be opened only inside:)
@maximedwards3451 @maximedwards3451 18.05.2014
was there a point in using a well worn lock.
         @A2ZGAMEGUIDESX @A2ZGAMEGUIDESX 17.09.2014->The more worn it is he harder it is to pick
@mikesimms4525 @mikesimms4525 22.03.2014
What a waste of time. What did you show or prove in your 38 seconds?<br>In 38 seconds I could&#39;ve watched grass grow.
         @martinheuts @martinheuts 04.05.2014->Ohh...glad I'm not your neighbour then :P
         @JahanZeb1976 @JahanZeb1976 10.06.2014->What a talent you got! Go and watch. Who stopped?
@00100000station @00100000station 15.08.2013
Holy shit that took about 2 and a half seconds!
@darkcheq @darkcheq 09.03.2013
one pin definitely .
@underverser @underverser 05.02.2013
Would they be able to pick a few megavolts! At my doorlocks? ;)
@zorb2000 @zorb2000 20.01.2013
I Challenge you to pick a protected profile Grundmann pExtra LAM.
         @charliestanden3465 @charliestanden3465 08.08.2019->no
@zorb2000 @zorb2000 20.01.2013
No wonder you could pick it, it&#39;s a Basta. They will open just by breathing on them.
@owainhall7874 @owainhall7874 14.01.2013
Lockpicking level: 45
@Pubg-uf6jm @Pubg-uf6jm 17.12.2012
35 police dislike
@ironmanimjm @ironmanimjm 07.12.2012
Sí los trasmitieran en español serían entendibles
@MrQuijibo @MrQuijibo 04.11.2012
No he didn&#39;t it, he raked it. Did you watch the video? It is in the description too....
@mxmxmx1488 @mxmxmx1488 01.11.2012
@juba776 @juba776 14.10.2012
Hey man, thanks for the upload, now i have a PS3 and a tv.
@mahina1963 @mahina1963 14.10.2012
nice to hear some Supertramp...I&#39;m signing off to play the whole album right now!
@Bronya999 @Bronya999 13.10.2012
all thenks
@konewka5 @konewka5 30.09.2012
cool now i have a new tv and new house :D
@firas471 @firas471 25.09.2012
from where i can get that tool???

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