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Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Взлом отмычками
Цилиндровый механизм. Производитель: ABUS. Артикул:
Описание: 283 ABUS INTEGRAL
1 193 просмотров
Время взлома: 3 мин

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@Pyrolock @Pyrolock 20.08.2018
Muy Bien! Excellent picking and very excellent explanation + excellent video -- You are very good -- I'm impressed!
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 22.08.2018->Thank you very much Ken, I'm glad you like the vid buddy, is a pleasure to share it with you ;o)))
Thanks for watching and comment, your support is much appreciated ;o))
@NoctisMotus @NoctisMotus 13.08.2018
Neat lock and picked like a champion.
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 15.08.2018->Thank you very much Noctis, you are very kind buddy, I'm glad you like it, is a cool lock, very interesting for me to explore it ;o)))
Thanks for watching ;o))
         @NoctisMotus @NoctisMotus 18.08.2018->Haha, you will have your revenge. Of that much I am sure. :)
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 19.08.2018->I would like to be sure too ;o)))
@martyhastings9347 @martyhastings9347 13.08.2018
great info. i enjoyed watching. thanks for sharing
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 15.08.2018->Thank you very much Marty, I'm glad you found it useful and funny, It's all I aspire to when uploading these videos ;o))
Thanks for watching and comment, is really appreciated buddy ;o))
@tiet4920 @tiet4920 13.08.2018
Buen trabajo compañero!! Siempre viene bien tocar mecanismos nuevos, además este no es tan común al menos por nuestra zona. Muy entretenido, sabes por dónde atacarle sin esfuerzo alguno.<br>Lo quiero en el foro ?
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 15.08.2018->Gracias companero, llevo bastante retraso, pero todo subira al foro antes o despues, eso te lo garantizo ;o))
un abrazo ;o))
@billbacardi3262 @billbacardi3262 13.08.2018
Thanks for sharing my friend what an awesome lock very nicely picked buddy, thanks for sharing i love your videos.
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 15.08.2018->Thank you very much Bill, my friend, you are very kind buddy, yeah, is a fun lock to pick and a really cool lock to explore, I love the side bar system ;o)))
Thanks for watching buddy, is much appreciated ;o))
@LockNoob @LockNoob 13.08.2018
Once again, you make a complex lock look like child’s play :-) You inspire us all Tallan :-)
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 15.08.2018->Thank you very much my friend, thanks a lot for your kind words buddy, your support is really important for me, and if there's someone who inspires us here, that's you ;o))
Have a great week buddy ;o)))
@AveragePicker @AveragePicker 12.08.2018
Very cool...you have some really cool locks...jealous lol
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 13.08.2018->Haha, don't be jealous buddy, the coolest locks are always the locks we don't have jet ;o))
Thanks for watching and comment, is much appreciated ;o))
@DonzLockz @DonzLockz 12.08.2018
Cool and interesting lock. Thanks for sharing.??
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 13.08.2018->Yeah, it is, I love the side bar mechanism. Thanks for watching and comment ;o)))
@TonySLocks @TonySLocks 12.08.2018
I&#39;ve been waiting a week to watch this video !!<br>Fantastic lock, can&#39;t wait to try it !!<br>I would be happy with half - I don&#39;t need the while lock. It is the mechanism I want, not the lock itself. Keep half for you and send me the other half !<br>Excellent video !!!!!
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 13.08.2018->Hahaha, you are a lucky man, I usually have a lag of about a month between recording and publishing a video ;o))
There is a cool lock and it's yours buddy, I'm really happy to be able to gift you this one, you deserve it buddy ;o))
Ok, I will send you half and other goodies, but I need some time to gather some more locks, sorry about that buddy.
Thanks for watching and comment my friend, you know is much appreciated ;o))
         @TonySLocks @TonySLocks 13.08.2018->Tallan Pick no hay prisa amigo mio.
Tengo algunos cuantos para ti y con un poco de tiempo tendre mas....
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 15.08.2018->Perfecto, un abrazo companero ;o)))
@pickbeard2690 @pickbeard2690 12.08.2018
Made to look so so easy.<br>A very nice lock, with an interesting mechanism.<br>Thanks for sharing and I am sure Tony will love this lock????
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 13.08.2018->Thank you very much my dear friend, you are very kind, but I think it's not a hard lock, at least this one that I have, I have not had the good fortune to try others of this model. Is a great lock to pick and to explore. I love the side bars mechanism, the feeling from the side bar is completely different from a pin tumbler, really fun learn ;o))
I'm sure about that, Tony deserves to have this one, thanks for watching buddy, is much appreciated ;o))
@tonyholt90 @tonyholt90 12.08.2018
When I first saw that keyway and all them pins I thought this is gonna be a real fighter!<br>Well you certainly made it look easy LOL, nice demo with the sidebar very clear video! Can see it functioning ...
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 13.08.2018->Thank you John, is a cool lock and easy to pick when you know what do you have to expect from its mechanism. Very fun to pick and cool to explore.
Now watching the video, I think what I identified as the springs of the sidebar pins, could actually be serrations, the sidebar pins could be serrated. This would also explain why they behave well in the face of low tension and why they bind to touch them again and again.
Thanks for watching and comment Tony ;o))
@dazevers @dazevers 12.08.2018
Wow what fantastically complex lock, great video explaining how it works &amp; very well picked open, Have a great weekend.
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 13.08.2018->Thank you very much Daz, yeah, is a really cool lock, fun to pick and cool to explore, I love the side bars mechanism, the feeling from the side bar is completely different from a regular pin tumbler lock.
Thanks for watching and comment buddy, and have a great week ;o)))
@johnmccormick2883 @johnmccormick2883 12.08.2018
Great Job &amp; explanation of workings!
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 13.08.2018->Thank you John, I'm glad you like it my friend ;o))
Thanks for watching and comment ;o))
@brayanadan5526 @brayanadan5526 12.08.2018
Hola men eres muy bueno te felicito toy recien aprendiendo pero me cuesta fijarme en los pernos lo ago delicado pero no alcanzo habrir la cerradura que me faltaara saludos
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 13.08.2018->Hola Brayan, te recomiendo que hagas un aprendizaje progresivo. Desmonta una cerradura y colocale solo tres pernos, ganzuala hasta que la abras facilmente, luego cambia los pernos por otros de otras longitudes y colocalos en diferentes posiciones (por ejemplo en los alojamientos 3, 4 y 5 de la cerradura). Cuando domines los tres pernos en cualquier posicion, haz lo mismo con cuatro y luego con cinco. Utiliza pernos regulares, nada de pernos de seguridad. No tengas prisa, si dominas los regulares, luego te sera mas facil aprender a ganzuar el resto de pernos.
No empieces por cerraduras complicadas, nada de Tesa.
Lo que te falta es lo que nos falta a todos al empezar: experiencia, paciencia y practicar y practicar.
En los foros de ganzuado encontraras consejo y valiosa informacion para empezar. Te recomiendo www.ganzuando.es si deseas un foro en espanol y www.uklocksport.co.uk si lo prefieres en ingles.
Espero que te sirva de algo, un saludo ;o))
         @brayanadan5526 @brayanadan5526 13.08.2018->Tallan Pick si eh practicado y si habro algunas cerraduras facilez como escaravini poli etc pero me cuesta habrir los candado aun no entiendo lo que es un contra perno saludos gracias mi buen
@Gazz_R @Gazz_R 12.08.2018
Fantastic job! Cool lock, love the pins and sidebar design. Thanks for sharing Tallan.
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 13.08.2018->Thank you very much Gazz buddy, yeah, is a fun lock to pick and cool lock to explore, I really enjoy this one, thanks for watching and comment my friend ;o))))
@Leonslockpad @Leonslockpad 12.08.2018
Awesome work as usual my friend???????
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 13.08.2018->Thank you very much Leon, my friend, you are very kind, and thanks for watching ;o)))
@THE_WIZARD_1980 @THE_WIZARD_1980 12.08.2018
Impecable compañero,si es verdad que se echa de menos los otros tres pernos,sería más bonito, tienes mi 10,un abrazo
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 13.08.2018->Muchas gracias companero, se echan de menos los otros tres pernos e incluso el hueco para la otra barra lateral, de haberlo tenido preparado en el cuerpo, me hubiera gustado intentar con dos barras laterales.
Gracias por ver y comentar amigo mio, un abrazo ;o))
         @TonySLocks @TonySLocks 13.08.2018->Entonces porque no pones los tres pernos y la barra lateral del otro lado en el mismo lado para jugar un poco?
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 15.08.2018->He probado con los seis pernos superiores y no hay gran diferencia. En cuanto a la barra lateral, el problema es que el cuerpo solo tiene hueco para una barra lateral, no puedo poner las dos a la vez. Si el cuerpo habria tenido dos huecos para barra lateral lo habria intentado. Lo que no acabo de entender es porque cortan las llaves con codificacion para dos barras laterales si ni siquiera es posible colocarlas en los cilindros.
Un abrazo Tony ;o))
@SasPes @SasPes 12.08.2018
Veru cool lock, well done ;) Bravo!
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 13.08.2018->Thank you buddy, is a cool lock to pick and to explore ;o)))

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