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Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Взлом отмычками
Цилиндровый механизм. Производитель: ASSA. Артикул:
2 798 просмотров
Время взлома: 2 мин

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@Potti314 @Potti314 09.09.2018
That&#39;s another present form Viktor ( <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/MultiVde">https://www.youtube.com/user/MultiVde</a> ) - a Mexican brand cross lock. This PHILLIPS (ASSA ABLOY) cross lock has 3 rows of pin stacks with 3 pins each. Only standard pins and the free &quot;arm&quot; make this an easy but very fun pick. For a full 360° rotation the lock needs to be picked four times. Have fun and thanks a lot to Viktor for this nice present.
@iyeetsecurity922 @iyeetsecurity922 13.10.2021
I jus got a cheap-o Chinese one to try out. The brand name of it is <i>&quot;Lock&quot;</i> which is great just in case I forget what the hell it is.
@MultiVde @MultiVde 13.09.2018
Don&#39;t trow it away just yet I will try to get you a rake tool for these lock in December :) Make a followup video :D
         @Potti314 @Potti314 14.09.2018->Wait, I think I have a cross lock rake or similar - will have to check my "unusual" picks case ;-)
@TallanPick @TallanPick 12.09.2018
Great picking and great vid again Michael. When I gut a lock with several rows of pins, then I use shims to hold the pins in place and reassemble it. The three shims are placed around the follower, a pin is placed with the follower and the shim of that pin is advanced, the follower moves back and another pin is placed with it, the shim of that pin advances, the followers moves back again, and the last pin is placed with the follower . So, with everyone until the end. You can make the same with three pinning shoes and a special follower, but requires to make the tools. I hope this helps ;o)))<br>Thanks for showing ;o)))
         @Potti314 @Potti314 12.09.2018->Thanks my friend for watching. Appreciate a lot your suggestion with the shim. I was thinking of such an option already but was not sure if it's practical to do. Now I know thanks to you :-)
         @TallanPick @TallanPick 12.09.2018->Cheers buddy ;o))
@AveragePicker @AveragePicker 11.09.2018
Very cool ???
         @Potti314 @Potti314 11.09.2018->Thank you.
@gantry289 @gantry289 11.09.2018
Pretty cool, you did a good job picking it (multiple times)! I was wondering if after you pick it the first time could you use a pug spinner to open it the rest of the way with pout re-picking?
         @Potti314 @Potti314 11.09.2018->Thank you - I tried it with the spinner that I got from Tom (redcatimaging) but I guess the springs in the lock were too strong or the plug spinner too weak ;-) You could spray in glue or dental floss as Brian Hignett pointed out.
@billbacardi3262 @billbacardi3262 10.09.2018
Very nicely done sir, I don&#39;t blame you for not getting it. Awesome cross lock my friend.
         @Potti314 @Potti314 10.09.2018->Thanks for being soft-gloved with me ;-)
@WilliamMancel @WilliamMancel 10.09.2018
Nice picking on that cross lock. I would like to find one on a padlock. I know Papiz makes one, but not available on eBay here.
         @Potti314 @Potti314 10.09.2018->Yes, that would be a cool padlock :-)
@LockNoob @LockNoob 10.09.2018
Nice lock and a fun pick :-) I think a 45 degree angle cut at the end of a tension tool (or better, a machined semi-spiral) would allow all the Pin stacks to be pinned/gutted in turn by rotating it to the next position :-)
         @Potti314 @Potti314 10.09.2018->Thanks my friend. Nice idea with the modifications. Maybe I try that some day.
@brianhignett8954 @brianhignett8954 10.09.2018
Hi Potti314, We used to open candy machines that had a double sided wafer lock. Attached to the rear of the lock cylinder was a threaded shaft. To unlock the lock, the key had to be turned numerous times. If you picked it, it would relock every quarter turn, the picking and relocking was time consuming and frustrating. The lock was an American Chicago lock that wasn&#39;t practical to read or impression a key. We over came the problem by picking it partially, and packing dental floss into the lock until it was solid. Using a screw driver, the lock could be turned many times to unlock, without relocking. I thought of that when I saw you having to pick the cruciform lock a few times - easy enough I guess. By the way the ball and spring are called a &quot;detent&quot; ... just saying (:-)) Regards, Brian.
         @Potti314 @Potti314 10.09.2018->Thanks for the nice story. Sounds you then had unlimited access to the candies ;-) Can this dental floss be removed or was the lock "damaged" afterwards? Anyhow, that's a great idea - guess locktight or superglue would also work. Thanks for the inspiration - you never know when you need it.
         @brianhignett8954 @brianhignett8954 11.09.2018->Yes the dental floss can easily be removed with no damage at all to the lock. Leave a little hanging out and remove. Wet string will also work. It just packs around the wafers and holds them in place. Long before plug spinners were available, you could pack wet string into the plug tightly, and turn the plug in the other direction - spinners are better, and quicker (:-)) Glue of course would render the lock inoperative. Regards, Brian.
@johnmccormick2883 @johnmccormick2883 09.09.2018
I thought that you’d have a solution for gutting the Bible wink wink <br>Very interesting ... thanks!
         @Potti314 @Potti314 10.09.2018->Haha, there are solutions but I was too lazy ;-)
@funkeyfastdrawmonkey1483 @funkeyfastdrawmonkey1483 09.09.2018
Excellent pick on an interesting lock ??<br>I would be a real bugger to put back together.
         @Potti314 @Potti314 10.09.2018->Yes, that's why I was too shy to gut it ;-) Thanks for watching :-)
@jeffmoss26 @jeffmoss26 09.09.2018
very cool!
         @Potti314 @Potti314 10.09.2018->Thanks.
@bird718 @bird718 09.09.2018
the cross...
         @Potti314 @Potti314 10.09.2018->3/4 of a real cross ;-)
@Arachnoid_of_the_underverse @Arachnoid_of_the_underverse 09.09.2018
Maybe a tubed follower with a single hole just bigger than the driver pin mid way along its length, will allow you to get the pins out one at once.
         @Potti314 @Potti314 10.09.2018->That's a very good idea - thanks a lot for it.
         @Arachnoid_of_the_underverse @Arachnoid_of_the_underverse 10.09.2018->Of course getting them back in is another thing :D
@franglish9265 @franglish9265 09.09.2018
So, is it a holy lock?
         @Potti314 @Potti314 10.09.2018->At least three quarters of holiness ;-)
@DonzLockz @DonzLockz 09.09.2018
Very cool, it reminds me of the Zeiss Ikon cross locks. Cheers for sharing. ??
         @Potti314 @Potti314 10.09.2018->Thanks - these locks are great fun :-)
@Leonslockpad @Leonslockpad 09.09.2018
Nicely done my friend and i new Phillips did electronics never knew they did cruciform locks????????
         @Potti314 @Potti314 10.09.2018->Haha, Philips is the electronic company (this Phillips is something totally different - also has an "l" more).
@Gazz_R @Gazz_R 09.09.2018
Great picking of a very cool lock. Thanks for sharing.
         @Potti314 @Potti314 10.09.2018->Cheers buddy :-)
@two_tier_gary_rumain @two_tier_gary_rumain 09.09.2018
Does the key work when inserted in another position? I thought the bitting on the bottom looks to be the same as the bitting on the top.
         @Potti314 @Potti314 10.09.2018->No, the key only goes out and in only the neutral position, because the lower part of the lock has no bible to accept the key pins when inserting or removing the key.

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